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Bonjour! I'm Emilie

A love for learning, sharing knowledge and soul depths

From a young age I have been asking questions and teaching. I would look to the stars, pray to my ancestors, wondering what more there was to this life. I have always loved breaking down concepts for others. I tutored students in Math and French throughout high school and university and have taught sailing to people of all ages and abilities, including people with disabilities. I always wanted to be three things: a doctor, a teacher and a nun, but somehow found myself completing an engineering degree! Once I received my diploma, I was undernourished in body and soul, burnt out and experienced a quarter life crisis. In December 2012, I spent 6 weeks in deep depression trying to find a reason and my will to live. I did.​ 


I decided from that momenton that I was going to listen to my inner voice and live life MY way. What a ride it has been since then! I dove right into all that interested me: energy healing, yoga, astrology, meditation. I also answered the call of Motherhood and had my first daughter at the age of 25.​The techniques and exercises I have learned since 2012 have completely changed my life and how I relate to others and Source/Dvine Father-Mother. QHHT and the works of Dolores Cannon have been fundamental in my growth. My connection with my Subconscious or Inner Voice was immensly strengthened in my QHHT experiences and I delight in offering the experience to others. I have a commitment to living from the guidance of my Inner Voice, not always easy but always worth it in the long run.​


As a mother to my three children, I have mostly been focusing on motherhood and their education while maintainging my skills in QHHT, yoga and doula work. In the recent pandemic, I hosted a homeschool pod from my home and had the joy of sharing Waldorf education with a group of children. I am now answering a call to do more work with adults. I host regular circles for pregnant women and mothers and also circles for teens and pre teen girls. I also attend births as a doula providing physical, emotional and spiritual support during labour. Supporting others in their deep spiriutal experinces and fostering intentional community and connection to our inner guidance are my focus of the season.​ In all my projects I am continuing to deepen my passions for holistic health on all levels, learning and teaching and spirituality. What I learn in one domain, nourishes the others and I look forward to integrating my skills to serve you in the best way!

My Approach

Education and trainings

McGill University Bachelors of Mech. Engineering, Reiki Levels 1 & 2, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Yoga Teacher Training 200 hrs (Sivananda), Motherwit Birth and Postpartum Doula training, Medicinal Herb Internship Concordia University, QHHT Practitioner, First Aid CPR for newborns, First Aid for Birth as taught by traditional birth attendant Safire Naranjo, Rebozo workshop with Isabela Perez, La Leche League and Nourri-Source Breastfeeding Support Volunteer

Extra Personal Education and experience

Member of Freebirth Society, member of Matriarch Collective by Katya Nova, student of Vedic Astrology, Homeschool Pod Teacher, The Work by Byron Katie, 15 commitments of Conscious Leadership by the Conscious Leadership Group, Thinking Feeling Willing Program by Waldorf Essentials

Personal Experiences Include

Overcoming eating disorder (bulimia), overcoming depression and anxiety, overcoming postpartum depression, parents divorce, homebirth with midwives, wild pregnancy (medically unassisted pregnancy), freebirth (medically unassisted birth), ex vegan (including raw vegan for two years)

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